The 9th and the last business simulation game within the ReforB project took place on 31 January 2019 in Lithuania at Klaipeda Science and Technology Park. Young people from six Latvian and Lithuanian regions gathered together to immerse into the world of entrepreneurship and also compete for the first prize – the title of the best team.

At the beginning of the game, six mixed teams with representatives from each region were created and their leaders were appointed. Afterwards, the players came up with team names and ambitious slogans:
1) B-Boys – “Think bigger! Ask better questions!”
2) Gideons – “Time to take the wheel.”
3) Dream Team – “Dreams come true.”
4) Business Grizzly – “If you can dream it, you can do it!”
5) The Winners – “You can do anything!”
6) The Money Makers – “Our fate is money made.”

Then, the teams had to analyze a case of a beauty parlour recently established by three friends in Klaipeda and provide their solutions to challenges faced by the business during its first year of operation. Additionally, the players suggested how to deal with problems encountered by an interior design studio, restaurant and fitness club. In their answers, the teams stressed the importance of effective communication both with colleagues and clients, necessity to meet and exceed customer expectations and the need to use modern promotional methods, including attraction of Internet opinion leaders and influencers.

Team answers were assessed by the jury and two business experts – Indre Razbadauskaite-Venske and Erika Zuperkiene. Indre is a co-owner of an event management company “Nepaleisk svajones” focusing mainly on weddings, co-owner of a market research company “Global key” that provides services to organizations planning market expansion or launching a new business line and a lecturer in Marketing and Communication at the LCC International University and Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences. “What is your superpower?” – asks Indre on her business card.

Erika Zuperkiene is an Associate Professor in Marketing, Entrepreneurship and HR Management at Klaipeda University. She opened her own beauty parlour in 1996 when she was a student and a salon launch was her study project. Erika believes that it is crucial to motivate and support young people. “They have to deal with too many challenges nowadays, – says the expert, – These are the requirement to speak three languages, build sustainable relationships in a multi-cultural environment and follow fast-developing technologies.”

The event that lasted for six hours was dynamic, educative and exciting and was highly appreciated by its participants. At the end of the game, the best team, the best team leader and the best player were awarded. Everybody received certificates.