On 24 October 2018, the partners met at the project management meeting in Panevezys to discuss results achieved during the 3rd reporting period and define goals and tasks for the last implementation period.

The Lead Partner made a general presentation of management, implementation and communication activities carried out during the period, as well as provided an overview of project financials. Then, all partners delivered presentations about their roles in the activities. Special attention was paid to the development of a business simulation game No. 4 (Services) and ICT business simulator.

The partners were satisfied with the results achieved during the 3rd reporting period and anticipated challenging and rewarding tasks during the final stage of the project. The partners confirmed their willingness and readiness to think creatively and out-of-the-box and involve target group representatives in the activities as often as possible.

Steering group members, who attended the meeting, gave a positive feedback regarding the implementation activities and elaborated a set of recommendations for successful project finalization.